
Welcome to Renewal Presbyterian Church!

If you are new, we would love to get to know you. Check out this page for some first steps you can take to getting plugged in. After service, please stop by the welcoming table or say hi to any of the pastors or volunteers!


 More info, signups, and links at:  Announcements

AlphaCare Opportunity
We have the opportunity to support one of AlphaCare’s clients through a meal train. Laura just delivered twins and has 5 other children in addition to her two newborns. AlphaCare is in need of some more people to fill slots to provide meals for the family. She lives right in the West Philly area. To sign up, click here

Sri Lanka Mission Trip Summer 2025
The Missions Committee is excited to announce a short term missions trip opportunity for July 3-14, 2025. We have the opportunity to send a team to Sri Lanka to join the work of one of our very own missionary families, the E family. If you would like to apply, click here. Please note the application is due on January 20th. 

Ladies Clothing Swap
Ladies, come “renew” your closet on Saturday, January 25th from 10am-3pm! Bring items you or your kids no longer wear and wish to donate to exchange with others. Examples of items to bring: clothes (shirts/pants/skirts/dresses/sweaters/etc), coats/jackets, hats, shoes, purses, belts, jewelry. Light refreshments will be provided, lunch will not be provided. Please RSVP here

Renewal Mom’s Group
The Renewal moms group meets the
first Saturday of every month. Our next meeting will take place on Saturday, February 1st at 9:30am – 11:30am. This is a time for moms of all ages (including expecting moms, moms of littles, moms of kids who are out of the house, etc.) to fellowship, pray, and grow together in this journey of motherhood. If you are interested in attending future gatherings, please fill out the intake form here

Children’s Ministry Craft Day
The Children’s Ministry Parents Committee will be hosting a lunch on Sunday, February 2nd starting at 12:15 down in the basement. We’ll eat together and then take some time to assemble crafts for Sunday School this spring. Our teachers and children use the crafts to engage each week’s lesson, so we’ll be cutting and preparing crafts to support them. If you can attend, please click here so we know how much food to have for lunch together.

Membership Class/Theology 101
If you are interested in learning about our church and would like to become a member, we will be having our Membership Class on Saturday, February 22 from 10am-12:30pm. Sign up here. While optional, we also highly encourage those interested in becoming a member to attend the Theology 101 class to gain a deeper theological understanding of what we believe in on Saturday, March 1 from 10am-12:30pm. Sign up here. 

Serve With Us

Communications Team
Good communication is vital to the health of any church and we’d like to prioritize that more here. If you have a background or interest in marketing or communications, we would love to have you help us evaluate and develop our communication plan. If you’re interested, please contact Pastor Hansoo at hansoojin@renewalchurch.org.

Join Welcoming Team!

The Welcoming Team is in need of volunteers! If you are looking for a way to serve at Renewal, consider welcoming!  All ages, personalities, and stages of life can participate. If you can make it to service 30 minutes early 1-2 times a month, and if you have a heart for our church to be a welcoming space, please join us! Email renewal.welcomingcommittee@gmail.com if you are interested or want to learn more.

Scripture Reading

We have members of our church read scripture for us each Sunday. Our rotation currently means each volunteer would read 2-3 times per year. If you are interested in reading for us please sign up here!

Praise Team & Sound

We are in need of volunteers to join the West Philly praise team and sound. If you are interested, please reach out to worship@renewalchurch.org

Pretzel Pickup Help:
We are in need of volunteers who are willing to pick up pretzels for our after service fellowship snack. All costs will be reimbursed. If you are able to serve our congregation in this way, please sign up here.

Lea Elementary School

  • Pray for the students of Lea Elementary and their families, that they experience growth, peace, and support in all areas of life.
  • Pray for the teachers and staff of Lea Elementary, that they are empowered with strength, wisdom, and compassion as they nurture and guide the students.

If you have any felt needs (physical or spiritual), please contact the Renewal Diaconate (care@renewalchurch.org). One of our deacons or deaconesses will schedule a time to meet with you.  

  • We look to offer the compassion and love of Christ as we meet and pray with you.
  • We will walk with you through a process that our Diaconate team has made to see how we can best help you.
  • We serve alongside the community of members of Renewal and our leadership team of pastors and elders.

* Call to Worship
* Prayer of Adoration
* Song of Worship

* Confession of Faith
* Corporate Confession of Sin
* Personal Confession of Sin
* Assurance of Grace
* Lord’s Prayer
* Song of Response

* Passing the Peace
Prayer/Dismissal of the Children
Offering & Prayer
Intercessory Prayer
Scripture Reading
*Song of Response
Lord’s Supper
*Closing Song
* Benediction

* Please stand if you are able


Deuteronomy 15:1-18
Hansoo Jin
“Radical Generosity” 

Renewal Presbyterian Church

Experiencing renewal in Jesus
to be instruments of renewal in our city and world


4633 Cedar Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19143


(215) 727-7200

© 2025 Renewal Presbyterian Church