
West Philly Campus

Welcome to Renewal Presbyterian Church!

If you are new, we would love to get to know you. Check out this page for some first steps you can take to getting plugged in. After service, please stop by the welcoming table or say hi to any of the pastors or volunteers!


 More info, signups, and links at:  Announcements

Children’s Ministry Prayer
Children’s Ministry invites you to join together (kids, parents, congregation) for 15-20 minutes at 12:15 PM in the basement to pray for Children’s Ministry next Sunday, April 6th.

Sponsor a Refugee Family
Right now, there are 1,600 Afghan refugee families stranded in Pakistan, desperately awaiting resettlement. These families cannot return to Afghanistan because they bravely assisted U.S. troops during the war. However, with shifting U.S. refugee policies, their future is uncertain. In the absence of government support, organizations have turned to the Church to stand in the gap. We have an opportunity to help a family resettle in Philadelphia. We know this is a big commitment, which is why the Diaconate is forming a committee to lead this effort. If you’re interested in learning more, a Diaconate member would love to chat with you at the welcome table in the back after the service or you’re welcome to read the details provided on our form and sign up here.

Missionary Prayer Breakfast
Please save the date and join us on Saturday, April 12th for the next missionary prayer breakfast from 9:00-10:30 AM in Conference Room A at the Crane Community Center. Mark and Rachel Kim will join us on Zoom and share with us as we pray for them. Please sign up here to RSVP.

Lent Prayer Nights
We invite you to join us for our weekly Lent Prayer Nights from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. These gatherings will continue every Wednesday evening through April 9th, leading up to Easter. During Holy Week, we will also gather for prayer on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights.

Please also save the dates to join us for our Maundy Thursday Soup Potluck at 6:00 PM. You can now sign up here.

We will also have our Good Friday Service at 6:30 PM, Easter Sunrise Service at 8:30 AM at Clark Park, and our Easter Service at 10:30 AM. We hope you can join us as we prepare our hearts for Easter!

Click here to view the Lent Prayer Guide. 

PRN/Micah 6:8 Parenting Seminar
Philadelphia Renewal Network (PRN) and Micah 6:8 will be hosting the last part in seminar series for parents on Saturday April 26 from 10am-12pm here on the 2nd floor. Other members of the congregation are also welcome to join if they would like to learn more about parenting and mentoring, or how they can better support our parents. Come join us as counselors from the PRN network help us to grow in faithfully raising up our children in the Lord. We will consider the topic of “parenting and the city”.  Sign up HERE. Childcare will be provided. You can reach out to our deaconesses, Melissa Tang and Grace Lee [diaconate.prn@gmail.com] with any questions you may have. 

Easter Egg Hunt
Renewal will host its annual EasterEggHuntat Clark Park on Saturday, April 19th! This event is free and open to our local community. We will have anegghunt, craft stations, games, and more for children to enjoy. Please save the date and invite your friends! Should you have any questions, reach out to Gina Huh at ginahuh07@gmail.com.

Summer Connections
Spring has just arrived, but we’re already looking forward to summer! Traditionally, summer is a time when Renewal activities slows down due to travel and vacations. To keep the community spirit alive during this time, we’re seeking volunteers to organize “summer connection” events that foster community and connection while our Community Groups are on pause. These events can be one-time gatherings or regular meetups—whatever works best for you as a volunteer! You don’t have to do it alone—feel free to invite your Community Group to host one together! The events will run from June through the end of August. Some event ideas might include: a picnic or sports day at Clark Park, a hike on the Wissahickon trail, a movie night at someone’s place, a game night, a worship night, a book club, and more! The possibilities are endless. If you have an idea in mind, we’d love to hear it! Please sign up here to host a “summer connection” event!

Serve With Us

Communications Team
Good communication is vital to the health of any church and we’d like to prioritize that more here. If you have a background or interest in marketing or communications, we would love to have you help us evaluate and develop our communication plan. If you’re interested, please contact Pastor Hansoo at hansoojin@renewalchurch.org.

Join Welcoming Team!

The Welcoming Team is in need of volunteers! If you are looking for a way to serve at Renewal, consider welcoming!  All ages, personalities, and stages of life can participate. If you can make it to service 30 minutes early 1-2 times a month, and if you have a heart for our church to be a welcoming space, please join us! Email renewal.welcomingcommittee@gmail.com if you are interested or want to learn more.

Scripture Reading

We have members of our church read scripture for us each Sunday. Our rotation currently means each volunteer would read 2-3 times per year. If you are interested in reading for us please sign up here!

Praise Team & Sound

We are in need of volunteers to join the West Philly praise team and sound. If you are interested, please reach out to worship@renewalchurch.org

Pretzel Pickup Help:
We are in need of volunteers who are willing to pick up pretzels for our after service fellowship snack. All costs will be reimbursed. If you are able to serve our congregation in this way, please sign up here.


    • Pray for the residents of Bethesda, that they may experience emotional, spiritual, and physical healing.
    • Pray that Renewal continues to have a heart for serving our neighbors and remains a vessel for God’s love.
    • Pray for a deepened partnership between Bethesda’s staff and our church, that together we may better serve the community.

If you have any felt needs (physical or spiritual), please contact the Renewal Diaconate (care@renewalchurch.org). One of our deacons or deaconesses will schedule a time to meet with you.  

  • We look to offer the compassion and love of Christ as we meet and pray with you.
  • We will walk with you through a process that our Diaconate team has made to see how we can best help you.
  • We serve alongside the community of members of Renewal and our leadership team of pastors and elders.

* Call to Worship
* Prayer of Adoration
* Song of Worship

* Confession of Faith
* Corporate Confession of Sin
* Personal Confession of Sin
* Assurance of Grace
* Lord’s Prayer
* Song of Response

* Passing the Peace
Prayer/Dismissal of the Children
Offering & Prayer
Intercessory Prayer
Scripture Reading
*Song of Response
Lord’s Supper
*Song of Response
* Benediction
* Please stand if you are able


Isaiah 49:1-6
Hansoo Jin
“Servant Song for the Nations”

Renewal Presbyterian Church

Experiencing renewal in Jesus
to be instruments of renewal in our city and world


4633 Cedar Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19143


(215) 727-7200

© 2025 Renewal Presbyterian Church