
Marriage is a gift of God for the promotion of man’s happiness and God’s glory. The covenant of marriage also serves as an illustration of the covenant of love that exists between Christ and His bride, the church. It is truly a sacred and beautiful institution to be enjoyed and held in high regard. Therefore, we as a church would like to do what we can to assist you in approaching marriage as God intended.

In order for a Renewal pastor to officiate your wedding, please follow the 3 step process and read Renewal’s Wedding Policies attached below:

1. Complete the Qualifying Questionnaire
  • You must complete the qualifying questionnaire at least four months prior to your projected wedding date. This four month window is to provide enough time for pre-marital counseling and for the officiating minister to adjust their schedule accordingly.
  • Each of you must complete and submit the qualifying questionnaire.
2. Attend a Pre-Marital Seminar
  • The seminar is offered three times a year on Saturday. (The dates for pre-marital classes are listed under the qualifying questionnaire.) It is a 4.5-hour course which covers the meaning and purpose of marriage, the qualities necessary to have a healthy marriage, the true nature of love and how to effectively express it, communication and conflict resolution, role relationships, expectations and sexuality in marriage.
  • You must register for a seminar that is at least three months before your wedding date.
  • There is a registration fee of $35 per person for the class to cover the cost of materials and lunch. This can be paid by Venmo (@Renewal-Church) or check. Checks should be made to: “Renewal Presbyterian Church”.
  • If you would like to take the pre-martial seminar and receive counseling through Renewal Church but plan on having an officiant who is not on staff at Renewal, the registration fee will be $70 per person.
3. Attend a Private Counseling Session
  • After attending the seminar, you will meet with one of the Renewal staff/elders and their spouses for a private counseling session.
  • This session provides the opportunity to review the content covered in the seminar as well as to cover specific, pointed issues in your relationship.
  • This session will be arranged and scheduled after your pre-martial seminar.
Wedding Ceremony and Rehearsal Policies