CGs During COVID
During COVID-19 our Community Groups will follow a hybrid, flexible model. In a time where so much of what we do is virtual and repetitive, our model aims to safely increase the variety of meetings our groups can use and to let groups choose whether to meet virtually or in-person (under certain circumstances – see below) or a mix of both.
This hybrid, flexible model will consist of both large and small group gatherings (a hybrid of group sizes) and virtual or (optional) in-person gatherings (flexible gathering formats) for a total of 4 gatherings per month.
The large group gatherings will consist of 1 all together Sermon Discussion and 1 Free Activity Week (fellowship) gathering — 2 in total.
The large group Sermon Discussion will only take place virtually. We do not believe it is safe at this time to hold an in-person large group gathering indoors with multiple people, especially when everyone is talking and ventilation and space are likely limited. The Free Activity Week gathering may take place either virtually or in-person. If in-person, the gathering must be outdoors, socially distanced, with universal mask wearing and no sharing of food or drink.*
The small group gatherings will consist of what we are calling ‘Pods.’ Pods will consist of up to 4 people. Pods will have the option to meet in-person if they do so outdoors, socially distanced with universal mask wearing and no sharing of food or drink. To meet in-person a Pod will also need to have its membership stay the same throughout the entire semester (Sept. – Nov. for this Fall).* People cannot change Pods if those Pods want to meet in-person. However, if a Pod or an entire CG chooses to meet entirely virtually, the members of a Pod can change over the semester.
Pod gatherings will consist of 1 Accountability gathering and 1 Discussion gathering — 2 in total.
Pod Accountability gatherings can use a Spiritual Check-In Guide we provide for our groups. The goal of these meetings is to deepen our relationship with Christ through letting ourselves be known, challenged and encouraged by a small group of people that we also know, challenge and encourage.
Pod Discussion gatherings can use a Christianity focused book, video, podcast, sermon etc., of their choosing (or one the church recommends) for this once a month discussion. The goal of these gatherings is to have a Christ-centered discussion together and to be able to potentially do so in-person (or at least in a smaller, more personal format than a large group setting) in a way large group gatherings cannot accommodate at this time.
Here’s a graphic of what this model will look like over a month:

If you have any questions about how your Community Group will participate in this plan during COVID-19, please contact your Community Group leader. If you have general questions about this plan, please contact Pastor Travis, who oversees our Community Group ministry.
* Limited exceptions to mask wearing may be granted on a need-specific, case by case basis.