Center City Campus
Welcome to Renewal Presbyterian Church! If you are new to Renewal, we would love to get to know you. Check out this page for some first steps you can take to getting plugged in. After service, please stop by the welcoming table or say hi to any of the pastors or volunteers!
Lent Prayer Nights:
The Lent season is upon us. We invite you to join us at Crane for our weekly Lent Prayer Nights in Conference Room A from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We will gather every Wednesday evening through April 9th, leading up to Easter.
Whether you’re able to attend the Lent Prayer Nights or not, we have a Lent Prayer Guide that was compiled together from historical and contemporary sources. Please click here for the digital version or pick up a paper copy from the Welcoming table to use it as a devotional for each week of Lent and each day of Holy Week.
During Holy Week, we will also meet for prayer on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. Be sure to join us for our Maundy Thursday Soup Potluck at 6:00 PM, Good Friday Service at 7:30 PM, Easter Sunrise Service at 8:30 AM, and Easter Service at 10:30 AM. Please save the dates and plan to be with us as we prepare our hearts for Easter!
Missionary Prayer Breakfast:
We’re excited to announce that our next Missionary Prayer Breakfast will be held here at our Center City campus! Please save the date—Saturday, April 12th, from 9:00 to 10:30 AM in Conference Room A at the Crane Building. Mark and Rachel Kim will join us on Zoom and share with us as we pray for them. Please sign up here to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you there!
Christian Ed Class:
Join Us for a 4-Week Sunday School Class on the Overall Storyline of the Bible! We’re excited to offer a Sunday School class taught by Pastor Addison that will help you better understand the central narrative of Scripture. The class will help you better understand how even confusing and strange stories, especially in the OT, relate to the NT and to our modern lives. The class will follow the general content of the book, God’s Big Picture by Vaughn Roberts. Books will be available for those who would like to read along, but reading the book is optional. We will meet Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 AM in Conference Room B on March 16, March 23, and March 30. The final class will be on Saturday, April 5 from 10:00-11:00 AM in Conference Room A. If you can’t make all four classes, don’t worry – you may miss some important details, but we will be quickly reviewing each class to catch up! All you need to bring is a Bible and a pen. Please RSVP if you are interested so we can plan for how many to expect. We look forward to learning together and deepening our understanding of God’s Word!
PRN Parenting Seminar:
The Diaconate’s PRN Committee will be hosting a three-part seminar series for parents on Saturdays, March 22, March 29, and April 26, from 10 AM to 12 PM. The seminars will take place on the 2nd floor of the West Philly building. Other members of the congregation are also welcome to join if they would like to learn more about parenting and mentoring, or how they can better support our parents. Come join us as counselors from the PRN network help us to grow in faithfully raising up our children in the Lord. We will consider the topics of “child development”, “discipline and discipleship”, and “parenting and the city”. While you do not need to attend all three seminars, we highly encourage you to do so if you are able. Click here to learn more about each seminar and to RSVP. Childcare will be provided. Please email diaconate.prn@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Bethesda Project:
We’re looking for volunteers to join the residents at My Brother’s House to serve lunch on Saturday, March 29th, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Gather your friends and sign up here! You can also sign up for the April 26th waitlist!
Bethesda Project is a nonprofit in Philadelphia that provides emergency shelter, housing, and support services to the homeless community. Renewal Center City partners with Bethesda Project’s safe haven for men, My Brother’s House. Each month, we gather on the last Saturday of the month to prepare and share a meal with the residents. Our desire is to share Christ’s love through fellowship and breaking bread together. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jun Shin (junyoung.shin1@gmail.com) or Sue Park (suepark053@gmail.com)!
Micah 6:8 Prayer Luncheon:
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:16) Many people in our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces are overwhelmed by the brokenness of our world and are feeling hopeless. Thanks be to God that he invites us to cry out to him and that he listens! Prayer is powerful, and it is a means we have of partnering with our Father to push back the darkness. Join us on Sunday, March 30th at the West Philly building basement to pray together for hope in troubled times. We will start by breaking bread together at 12:30pm and move toward a prayer time at 1:15pm when we can reflect on God’s faithfulness, confess and lament brokenness, and intercede earnestly for God’s kingdom to come in the world and in our hearts. This event is open to both campuses and the community, so please invite your friends and neighbors! Kids are also welcome. RSVP by March 26th here.
Easter Egg Hunt:
We will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 26th from 3:00 – 4:00 PM at St. Paul’s Baptist Church (1000 Wallace Street)! If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out this form. We’d love your support to make this a fantastic event for everyone! If you are not able to volunteer, we are also looking for candy donations, preferably non-chocolate. There will be a collection box by the Welcoming Table. Families, please click here to RSVP for the Easter Egg Hunt!
Renewal Volleyball Tournament:
Renewal Volleyball is thrilled to announce our first ever RVB Tournament! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just in it for fun, this is a great opportunity to build community, enjoy friendly competition, and glorify God through sports.
Date: Sunday May 18th
Location: Crane Community Center, 2nd floor
Time: 1:30-8:30
Teams: Registration for teams of 6-8 opens March 1st and will close May 4th. The cost is $180/team and the sign-up form can be found here!
Summer Connections:
Spring is here, but we’re already looking forward to summer! Traditionally, summer is a time when Renewal slows down due to travel and vacations. To keep the community spirit alive during this time, we’re seeking volunteers to organize “summer connection” events that foster community and connection while our Community Groups are on pause. These events can be one-time gatherings or regular meetups—whatever works best for you as a volunteer! You don’t have to do it alone either—feel free to invite your Community Group to host one together! The events will run from June through the end of August.
Some event ideas might include: a picnic or sports day at FDR or Clark Park, a hike on the Wissahickon trail, a climbing day at Callowhill, a movie night at someone’s apartment, building rooftop, or house, a game night, a worship night, a bi-weekly book club, and more! The possibilities are endless. If you have an idea in mind, we’d love to hear it! Please fill out this form and let us know what type of event you would like to host.
Renewal Volleyball:
Our volleyball group has been going strong and growing! We would love for this to be an outreach opportunity, especially as many non-Renewal attendees have been joining us.
Location: Crane Chinatown (1001 Vine St)
Dates/Times: Every Weekend, Saturday 3-5pm and Sunday 4:30-6:30pm
If you are interested, please fill out this form.
Community Groups:
Community Groups (CG) are smaller gatherings within our church that offer a fantastic way to get connected, grow spiritually, and find mutual support. If you are looking to get plugged into a Community Group, please fill out this form.
Serve With Us
Missions Committee:
We are looking to recruit more members! If you have a heart for global missions and would like to be a part of supporting and encouraging the missionaries of Renewal, this could be a great fit for you! We are looking for people to join our support groups for our missionaries, to help plan for our annual Missions Conference in November, and to join us for our monthly Missionary Prayer Breakfast. Please fill out this form to let us know what aspects you would be interested to participate in.
Communications Team
Good communication is vital to the health of any church and we’d like to prioritize that more here. If you have a background or interest in marketing or communications, we would love to have you help us evaluate and develop our communication plan. If you’re interested, please contact Pastor Hansoo at hansoojin@renewalchurch.org.
Youth Group
We are in need of new Youth Group teachers. This is a great way to come alongside the parents of our church and pour into the next generation and equip them to thrive in their faith. If you have any questions about this ministry or would like to help serve and teach our church’s middle and high schoolers, please reach out to Addison Frank at addisonfrank@renewalchurch.org.
Worship Ministry
If you’re interested in serving on our worship ministry, including sound, please email worship@renewalchurch.org for more information or speak to us after service!
Scripture Reading
We have members of our church read scripture for us each Sunday. Our rotation currently means each volunteer would read 2-3 times per year. If you are interested in reading for us please sign up here!
We are in need of volunteers for the multimedia team. If you’re interested, please email mimiko@renewalchurch.org.
Bethesda Project
- Pray for the residents of Bethesda, that they may experience emotional, spiritual, and physical healing.
- Pray that Renewal continues to have a heart for serving our neighbors and remains a vessel for God’s love.
- Pray for a deepened partnership between Bethesda’s staff and our church, that together we may better serve the community.
If you have any felt needs (physical or spiritual), please contact the Renewal Diaconate (care@renewalchurch.org). One of our deacons or deaconesses will schedule a time to meet with you.
- We look to offer the compassion and love of Christ as we meet and pray with you.
- We will walk with you through a process that our Diaconate team has made to see how we can best help you.
- We serve alongside the community of members of Renewal and our leadership team of pastors, elders, and women’s council.
Everyone is invited to come to the Crane Center 1 hour early at 9:30am to enjoy a cup of fresh-brewed coffee, which will be made available outside the gym. Our hope is that this will provide a comfortable, inviting, and informal atmosphere for everyone to not only drink coffee but also interact with one another and form new friendships outside of the Community Group context. You are encouraged, but not required, to bring your own thermos to minimize the number of paper cups that need to be used.
Kyuboem Lee
Hansoo Jin
Addison Frank
* Call to Worship
* Prayer of Adoration
* Songs of Worship
* Call to Confession
* Confession of Sin
* Assurance of Grace
* Lord’s Prayer
* Song of Response
Greetings to One Another
Dismiss Children
Offering & Prayer
Intercessory Prayer
Scripture Reading
* Song of Response
* Benediction
* Please stand if you are able
Isaiah 50:4-9
Kyuboem Lee
“Servant Song for the Weary”